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2 minute read / Aug 12, 2024 /

The PostModern Data Stack

If the Modern Data Stack is dead, what replaces it?

The Postmodern Data Stack.


Post-modernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism which marked a departure from a belief in grand narratives & an acceptance of pluralism.

This idea is taking hold in data.

Two juggernauts, Snowflake & Databricks, are challenging the dominance of Google, Microsoft, & Amazon at the biggest scales of data.

Many of these clouds embrace freer data movement including open formats like Iceberg, elimination of egress fees to lower the cost of data, & multiple engines to support different workloads.

Just as in art & philosophy, post-modernism in data means embracing a new way of working with data. To delve into this topic, I’ve invited three founders to talk through the implications :

Colin Zima, founder & CEO of Omni which combines the freedom & control of previous generations of BI.

Jordan Tigani, founder & CEO of MotherDuck, a query engine that works as an embedded database, local & cloud based data warehouse, & data pipelines.

Tyson Mao, founder & CEO of Tobiko Data which commercializes SQLMesh, & enables workloads to move across query engines simply.

We will discuss the Postmodern Data Stack at TC Disrupt in October.

If you have questions you’d like me to ask on stage, please reply to this thread or send me a message on Twitter & I’ll weave them into the conversation.

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Snowflake's 4 Areas of Investment in AI