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1 minute read / Aug 9, 2021 /

The Optimal Pricing Strategy for Your Startup - Office Hours with Madhavan Ramanujam

Pricing is one of the questions that persist through the evolution of a company. A common topic today in software startup board rooms is: should the company price by seat or by usage?

To answer this question and many others, Redpoint Office Hours will welcome Madhavan Ramanujam, Partner and Board Member at Simon-Kucher on Wednesday, August 25th at 11AM PT.

Madhavan has led more than 200 pricing projects across software companies. He has advised more than 20 unicorns including Uber, Asana, and Stripe. He is the co-author of Monetizing Innovation, which I wrote about in this blog post. It’s the canonical book on modern pricing.

During the session, we’ll cover:

If you’re interested in attending, please register here. We will collect questions from participants during registration and try to cover them throughout the discussion. Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a live Q&A at the end of the session.

If you would like to stay notified of all future Office Hours, please subscribe here.

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