1 minute read / Jun 4, 2015 /
Welcome, Mina!
I’m thrilled to welcome Mina Radhakrishnan as an entrepreneur-in-residence (EIR) to Redpoint. Mina, my partner Jamie, and I got to know each other about 10 years ago at Google, where we were associate product managers all working in Marissa Mayer’s APM program.
Since Google, Mina has done some amazing things. In particular, Mina was Uber’s first PM. She joined when the company numbered about 20 people, and stayed through until the employee base reached many thousands. Mina introduced surge pricing, built the on-boarding software for new drivers, and managed the releases of the key products of the company including UberX.
Needless to say, Mina is an expert in product management for on-demand companies and market places. And of course, she has quite a few experiences managing the stress of hyper-growth.
Mina joins Jeremy Gordon, former VPE of Twitter, Javier Soltero, founder and CEO of Acompli, Andy Rubin, creator of Android, Arthur van Hoff, co-author of Java and founder of Jaunt, among many EIRs who we’ve been lucky to work with.