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    Management by @ttunguz

    Venture Capitalist at Theory

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    A Founder's Guide: Essential Management Advice for Startups

    March 5

    AI Fluency : The Next Interviewing Skill

    February 23


    The Class Missing from Business School

    January 18


    Soft in the Middle - Examining Your Startup's Org Chart

    November 11

    Defending a Startups Greatest Asset through Recession & Recovery

    June 22

    Office Hours with Lee Kirkpatrick, former Twilio CFO on Managing through Turbulence

    June 14


    Why You Should Repeat Yourself, A Lot

    October 5

    The Productivity Implications of Working from Home Across 150,000 Employees

    June 10

    Executive Recruiting as Competitive Advantage - The 3 Knock-On Effects of Failed Executive Hires

    June 1

    The One Force that Will Govern How We Return to Work

    May 3

    Would You Work for This Person?

    April 4

    How Much Should You Bet To Maximize Your Investments, or Your Company's Odds of Success?

    February 16

    How to Be a Great COO: Lessons Learned Leading a Unicorn to Success

    February 3

    Why Remote Work Changes the Nature of Leadership, and the Kinds of Leaders to Recruit in Startups

    January 4


    Why Fast Learning Curves are So Important to Startups

    December 21

    It's Supposed to Be Hard. You're Changing the World.

    November 30

    The Parallels in the Culture Between the Two Category Defining Companies

    November 1

    Your Startup is a Series of Cycles

    October 26

    The 4 States of an Engineering Team

    October 1

    Your Responsibility as a Manager is to Hire 7 People

    September 8

    Why Startups Should Establish Qualifying Signals for Sales Teams Early On

    August 24

    The Secret to Productive Group Meetings over Video

    August 6

    How to Recruit a Marketing Team with Great Product Marketing and Demand Generation Abilities

    July 26

    What is the Structure of the Typical SaaS Company as it Scales?

    June 21

    How Predictive is SDR/BDR Quota Attainment of AE Quota Attainment?

    June 17

    How to Transform Your Board Meeting with Written Narratives

    June 15

    How Would You Manage Your Business Differently if Shelter-in-Place Lasted 18 Months or More?

    May 13

    Six Startup Disciplines for Challenging Times

    March 20

    Why Your Startup's Org Chart is Limiting Your Growth

    February 25

    Simpson's Paradox in Measuring Net Dollar Retention Rate

    February 3


    The Most Frequent Mishire in Startups

    November 10

    The Rise of the Founder-CEO

    October 28

    On Humility and Making Better Decisions

    October 17

    The Early Discipline of Remote Startups

    October 4

    One Call to Make Before Picking Your Startup's Headquarters

    August 2

    As Your Sales Team Scales, Focus on Your Middle

    May 30

    The Benefits of and Questions Facing Remote and Distributed Startups

    May 28

    Before You Raise a Round of Funding, Ask Yourself This Question

    May 24

    What Makes a Great Leader?

    January 31

    Infinity Wells and Deep Work

    January 30

    How Many Managers Will You Need This Year?

    January 28


    The Startup Founder's Almanac

    July 19

    Timing Cashflows of Your Sales Commissions and Your Customers

    July 15

    Lessons Learned from 20 Years at the Leading Edge of SaaS

    July 10

    When You Hire an Executive, You're Hiring a Network

    June 7

    The Most Important Book You'll Read All Year

    May 29

    A Crypto-Trading Uber Driver and a Billionaire's Spat over Candy - On The Importance of Sticking to Your Strategy

    May 6

    Separating The Quality of the Outcome and the Quality of the Decision

    May 2

    Why I Overestimate My Contribution to My Team

    April 22

    Startup Best Practices 27 - How to Use Options to Retain Key Employees in Your Startup

    February 16

    Clarity of Purpose - The Competitive Advantage of Focus

    February 11

    Expanding Your Time Horizon To Scale Your Startup

    February 8

    Reorganizing Your SaaS Startup’s Organizational Structure to Optimize the Customer Lifecycle

    January 31

    Yearning for the Vast and Endless Sea

    January 19


    Meetings Shouldn't Be Boring

    December 3

    How Quickly Does Headcount Scale in the Fastest Growing Software Businesses?

    November 29

    Disagree and Commit - A Management Principle for Highly Functioning Teams

    November 11

    How to Decide With Speed and Conviction

    October 15

    Decision-Making Auditing

    September 24

    Ownership - A Defining Trait of a Leader

    September 13

    Should You Consider Emotional Intelligence When Hiring Your Startup's Team?

    September 10

    Hiring for a Discipline You Know Little About

    August 31

    Adoption Chain Risk - The Importance of Selling to Everyone in Your Startup's Supply Chain

    June 26

    How to Tell If You're a Great Manager

    June 16


    June 7

    Plant Trees You'll Never See

    June 4

    Bias Against Creativity

    May 22

    The Asset Allocator in Chief

    April 9

    Customer Operations - An Idea for Maximizing Efficient Growth in SaaS Companies

    March 29

    Lies Managers Tell Themselves to Avoid Firing Someone

    March 22

    How Does Your Startup's Management Spend its Time?

    January 9


    When to Increase Your SaaS Startup's Burn

    December 16

    How Should I Think About My SaaS Startup's Burn Rate

    September 9

    Success Has 1000 Fathers and Failure is an Orphan

    August 24

    The Craft of Management

    March 29

    When Data Confounds Our Intuition

    January 19

    How Your Startup's Org Chart Changes Your Product

    January 8


    Building the Machine - Organizational Design in Startups

    December 10

    How Much Cash Should Your SaaS Startup Burn?

    November 12

    The Indicators of True, Strong Customer Demand for a SaaS Product

    October 2

    The 3 Ways Culture Enables Startups to Scale

    August 17

    Lessons from the 8 Great CEOs

    August 14

    If You Chase Two Rabbits...

    July 28

    The Best Goal Setting Frameworks

    July 21

    Startup Best Practices 11 - The 9 Box Matrix Talent Model

    June 2

    A Very Unusual Book about Startup Culture

    May 20

    Startup Best Practices 11 - Practice Negotiations Before the Meeting

    May 5

    Why the Bubble Question Doesn't Matter

    April 21

    Hacking the Performance Evaluation

    April 13

    The Innovator's Dilemma for SaaS Startups

    April 9

    Why Managing For Progress is So Important

    February 6

    3 Questions about Founders as CEOs in SaaS Companies

    January 6


    The Most Effective Questions to Use When Interviewing Candidates

    November 10

    Why Personas Are Critical Product Development and Go To Market Tools for Startups

    October 9


    The 10 Most Important Metrics in a Startup’s Financial Statements

    December 6

    The Missing Startup Design Pattern Is Management

    November 14

    Dream Teams: The Characteristics Of Billion-Dollar Startup Founders

    October 29

    A team of founders who had just made their first their first hire asked me about culture and on boarding. How do they go about managing people? How do they maintain the values of the business?

    August 21


    Systems Thinking for Startups

    October 31

    All Great Managers are Alike

    August 19

    The 3 Kinds of Startup Metrics

    June 20

    Are We Investing Enough in Our Managers?

    May 30